The advent of multi-teraflop computers enables us to contemplate, for the first time, large-scale microstructurally-based simulations of biomechanical systems. By simulating the collective dynamics and interaction between hundreds to thousands of individual cells, we may elucidate the microstructural phenomena responsible for macroscopic behavior of blood flow: such as shear-thinning, viscoelasticity, and hemolysis. This talk will summarize our current progress with development of parallel geometric and numerical and software for simulating complex flows, as well as report our progress with experimental visualization of micro-scale flow phenomena. We believe that this work will give rise to more rational models of blood flow, and to methodologies of artificial organ design less reliant on empiricism. The combination of computer simulation with numerical optimization will allow us to accelerate the development of optimal prosthetic organs. (Acknowledgement: NSF-ITR/ACS ACI-0086093)
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